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ʻIliʻilikauhale deals directly with our 63-acre parcel being leased from Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate in Heʻeia. This is the center of our educational and community programming, our administrative center, and a test site for economic sustainability projects.

Our goal is to restore relevant aspects of the kauhale system of human and natural resource management to our 63 acre Heʻeia parcel and use this model in the development of curriculum and the implementation of educational programs.

Starting literally from the ground up, our development process has begun with clearing vegetation to re-establish irrigated and dry-land gardens as well as areas to naturalize stands of native vegetation. In many ways, this is building the foundation of our program, as these gardens provide an excellent learning opportunity for everyone and will therefore be at the core of our curriculum and programming for the next couple of years.

Another keystone in the development of our program is the recognition and care of special places and spiritually significant sites on the ʻāina. Many of these wahi pana has already been recognized and protocols are in place to utilize and preserve them. We also look to add wahi pana where the need arises.

ʻIliʻilikauhale invites anyone and everyone, from keiki to kupuna, to kōkua in restoring the beauty and spirit of Waipao for future generations.

Americorps – Kahua ʻAi
Community Workdays
Facility  Use